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Emeline Michel - Batey

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These musics, some from Haiti, some from other caribbean nations, and some from France: Emeline Michel has emerged as the reigning queen of Haitian song. Her songs merge native Haitian compa and rara. Watch thi beautiful Music Video

Tags: Love Song, Music Engage, poverty, special song, Emeline Michel, Batey, immigration, Emeline Michel Music Video

Video Comments (7)

Boniface Zebo says...

EMELINE"tu es notre, EMBASSADRICE" pour, denonce,un crime?D'UN AUTRE AGES mes la communaute-international, laissent,fairent de conivence car en europe ont a fait echos mes reste lettre morte, nous devons nous mobilliser tout les artistes haitiens et international pour venir en aide avec des fond a ces hommes, femmes,enfants, reduit a l'etat, les plus vil pour, un homme epris de justice, je joins dans ta demarche humaniste, pour haiti et le monde libre, ont c'est battues pour les etat-unis d'amerique de savanah a bolivar faisons dememe par nos voix pour une liberation de nos freres, des batey"ou rue case negres" alusion au film d'eus-palcy, soyons-vigiland, en qualiter de journalist j'apporterai ma contribution, dans les jours a venirs faites passez le message mon mail zbmusic001 at .fr boniface zebo urgence pour un monde

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Laurent Marceillant says...

Emeline is not certainly the first one who sang that song. If I am not mistaken, it had been sang by Manno Charlemagne.

Also written by Bitova Obas. Correct me if I am wrong.

However, Emeline, as an engaged female haitian artist had brought so muth energy to that song, she made me quite crying and really touch my heart.Thus, who will really replace Emeline, Farah Juste et

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Julio Vilson says...

Cela fait si longtemps qur j'avais envie de te complimenter pour tes albums; Aujourd'hui c'en est fait, j'ai eu la possibilite de m'y prendre.

Tu es un coeur Michelle.

Chante, chante pour nous. T'en fait pas nous te supportons, nous t'aimons aussi.

Fierement, julio

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Celestin says...

this music video give you the reality about the difficult life in haiti and they different problem you could win for you and family home to and all the people also to stay in

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Johnny says...

wow emeline ou fem fremi jis nan nanm mwen
chak fwa mchagrin mwen

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Guy says...

Emeline is our diva and we are proud of her. Keep up the good work!We love her and we want to support her for the rest of her

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Daniel Cezaire says...

This is the first music that ever moves me that much. Emeline Michel is the superstas of the Haitian Music.

Please listen to this music with all of you and tell me how you

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Subject: Emeline Michel - Batey edit

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