Alan Cave and his love for culture and music

Alan Cave is the lead and signer of Zin - Haitian group known for Zouk and Kompa music. Alan Cave, whose full name is Georges Alan Cave, is the son of Syto Cave and Yanick Jean. His father Syto Cave was a director, actor, novelist and playwright writer and often visited St. Lucia, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Canada and France for his work and Alan used to accompany him in his tours. Alan's mother Yanick Jean was also a novelist, poet, decorator and painter.


Alan Cave live at Moseley:

More music videos from Alan Cave.........

The love for culture and music was a genetic gift for Alan and he had a very unique voice that secured his position in Zin group in 1987 audition when the band leaders Eddy St. Vil and Alex Abellard declared that it was Alan's voice that helped him win the audition. Alan married Myrtho Polo in 2000 and they currently have a 6-year old son.

Alan Cave - Good Thang - Bon Bagay:

Alan Cave in video.........

Zin released its first album in 1988 by the title O Pa. O Pa still maintains a steady popularity and Alan Cave was the lead singer for the album. Alan released his first solo album called Lage'm, which came out with flying colors and glorious popularity. Alan Cave overturned linguistic and cultural barriers and ruled the hearts of millions all over the world with his second solo album Se Pa PouDat.

This second album consisted of 13 smash hit songs which included titles like Please Baby, 365 Jou, Se Pa PouDat etc. His third hit release was the Collabo in 2004 followed by 2007 release of De La Tete aux Pieds. He is also a prolific lyricist and has written songs in Creole, French and English. He says that his inspiration comes from people and life and his success as a composer, writer and singer comes from passion, dedication, hard work and discipline.

Some of the hit songs from Alan Cave.........

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